hosted by Joe Crowe
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What the Filk?!

Finally, you can use something you learned in English class.

What is SCI-KU? It's the poetry form called haiku, but it's not about trees or birds or your feelings. Sci-ku is based on topics related to sci-fi, fantasy, horror, comics, anime, cartoons, movies, TV, ourselves, and any other topic that we love talking about here on RevolutionSF.

Each week (or whenever we feel like it), we'll give you a topic. You say something eloquent about it. Do that enough and we'll send you a free book or something.

How To Play:

A haiku is a short, structured poem in three lines. The first line should have 5 syllables. The second should have 7. The third should have 5 again. And that's it. That's all you gotta do. You don't have to do anything else except follow that formula. You don't even have to rhyme all the time (unless you are a poet and do not know it).

That formula again, for emphasis:

Send your sci-ku to

What'll You Give Me If I Do?

Free books, many sorts:
Comic and sci-fi and more,
Feather-silk scratchings.

In other words, you can win stuff. Check here to see what.

No, I don't know what "feather-silk scratchings" are. When was the last time YOU understood a haiku?